An accelerating experience...
We are pleased to introduce a new service to our customers -- our dial-up accelerator, a program you download to your computer that will allow you to surf the web at speeds up to five times faster. We've been testing this program for a while and can attest that the difference in speed is definitely noticeable. The service will cost $5 per month in addition to your regular dial-up charge. We're allowing all our dial-up customers to try this service without risk: if you are unhappy with the service and you notify us within 30 days, there will be no charge for the service. You may install and begin using the accelerator immediately.
To download the installer for Windows, right-click on WIN INSTALLER below, and choose "Save as..."
Double-click the file to begin installing the accelerator software.
To download the installer for Macintosh OS X, click on MAC INSTALLER below, which should start it downloading automatically. If not, click and hold on the link, then choose "Save as..."
After it's finished downloading, double-click on the file, which will mount a volume named "CST Accelerator." Open the volume, and double-click on "CST Accelerator.pkg, which will run the OS X Installer. Follow the steps to install the accelerator program.
Accelerator FAQ
How does the accelerator work?
It's a protocol that accelerates your Internet access using proprietary text and image compression, content caching and other network optimizations. The accelerator provides noticeable web and e-mail acceleration, with speed increases up to five times faster than your current dial-up.
What types of content does the accelerator speed up?
It significantly speeds up web page access. To achieve this, a proprietary compression algorithm is applied to text, html, xml, JavaScript and style sheets. Proprietary image compression is applied to gif images, jpeg images and Flash content. It will also accelerate e-mail traffic (POP3 and SMTP) using compression. It does NOT speed up file downloads over FTP or file sharing programs, streaming audio/video and HTTPS (secure web sites).
How much does the accelerator cost?
The price is $5 per month (charge pro-rated to the monthly cycle). The accelerator charge is in addition to your current dial-up account charges.
How do I order the accelerator?
Just send an e-mail to or call us at 541-456-3282.
On what operating systems can the accelerator be installed and run?
* Windows 95b w/ Winsock2
* Windows 98
* Windows 98SE
* Windows Millennium Edition (Windows ME)
* Windows NT 4.0
* Windows 2000
* Windows XP
* Mac OS X (older versions are not supported)
Linux is not supported at this time. Windows users should note that the e-mail acceleration component requires Windows 98 and above. The pop-up blocker component requires Internet Explorer 5.0 and above.